Coming Fall 2024

What if…

  • You got less irritated & frustrated with the little things with your kids, wife, and life, and were more patient and relaxed instead?

  • You were less distracted by all the thoughts and things to do in your head, by social-media and the endless distractions of life, and you could be 100% completely present with your kids instead?

  • You could be more connected with your kids and your wife without having to “fix” the problems for them, and you – and they – could really feel that?

  • You were less distant, butted head less, and had deeper intimacy and greater connection with your wife than when you first met?

  • You didn’t feel so overwhelmed and could strike a balance between work, family, and self-care so you could show up as the man, husband, and father your family needs and deserves?

…without even having to read all the parenting books, take all the relationship advice, and figure out how to do it all out on your own.




Here’s the problem

Here’s how most guys are going about trying to become a better man | husband | father:

  • They start working out harder, hoping that that’ll magically fix it all and end up falling off the wagon after a few weeks or months because it’s impossible to balance it all

  • They start dieting and fasting hard, only to fall off the wagon – and stay off – because they don’t understand how to manage their reactions to stress

  • They start following all the dad-work pages and start trying to willpower being a better dad, and then deal with the heaviness of dad-guilt every time they overreact, mess up, or make a mistake in their parenting – and then they try to willpower it harder

  • They read The Five Love Languages and think that acts of service alone will fix their relationship (while still expecting something in return) without learning to level up their communication and presence skills

  • They start doing Wim Hof breathwork and ice-baths, and they feel really freaking good, but they just don’t have a framework for how to apply these things in real life

I’ve trained hundreds of men over my career, and I’ve seen the best of them.

Eventually, most of these guys fall off the wagon and struggle endlessly with working out consistently, eating well, and most importantly – with showing up as the patient, present, and connected man, husband, and father they deeply desire to be

because they’re unable to get to the root of the problem – their inability to manage stress, feel and control their emotional reactions, their deep underlying limiting-beliefs, and the family cycles that have followed them for generations.

But it DOES NOT have to be this way.

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…and I founded RISE – The Uncommon Dad’s Accelerator. I know how it feels to struggle to show up as the man, the husband, and the father that you know you can be – to live a secret-life where you’re “alright” and where it looks like you have your shit together on the outside – and you’re struggling with managing it all on the inside while taking it all out on yourself, and indirectly – your partner and your kids.

My parents got divorced when I was in second grade. Don’t get me wrong, I had a great childhood, but I only remember two occasions where my dad played with me before that time. Instead, I remember him working two jobs, and when he was home, working on projects around the house.

Once they got divorced, I spent a lot of time with my mom, and being a child of the 90’s, raised myself on movies, television, and videogames. I loved cowboys, especially Blondie in The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. I fell in love with his stoicism, and vowed to do the same thing myself – to feel no emotion and to just get the job done.

My mom remarried when I was in 5th grade, and my step-dad ran his own HVAC business. He worked from sunrise to sunset, and spent his evenings watching TV on the couch. I remember hearing he and my mom physically fighting when I was a kid while they thought I was asleep. I worked for him as my first job, and when he said “Don’t let me catch you sitting on your ass”, I understood that he was serious. So I learned just to put my nose to the grindstone and to never stop working. Alcohol, drugs, physical abuse, jail-time – these were just a few other programs I learned from him…

…and then

When I graduated college, I applied this conditioning to my new job, and within 18-months as a personal trainer and nutrition coach, I was recruited for management – why? I worked hard, didn’t say much about it, and showed leadership potential. I climbed that ladder towards running my own training department, and eventually my own club. Meanwhile, even though vowing I’d never get married after watching my own parents, and seeing the two divorces of my mom, I met a girl.

I made good money for someone in their 20’s. I was in line become a PT department head for a big-box gym. I bought a custom $12k engagement ring, and she said yes. I bought a swanky Volkswagen CC to keep up with the BMWs and Audis of my co-workers. I trained and competed in CrossFit, Alpha, Spartan Race. I ate cyclical keto and was ripped AF. I had it all.

Until one day while I was driving to pick up my wife to take her to a baseball game for her birthday, and I was slapped in the face. I dug my fingernails into the well-worn nail-grooves in my leather steering wheel as  I drove down I-94. My chest was tight. My heart was pounding out of my chest, and I was struggling to catch my breath. I had done a lot of CrossFit WODS, so I knew this feeling, but I was sitting in a car. Panic.

I had watched my grandfather – a man who had quadruple bypass surgery at the age of 42 – die with 26 medications on his nightstand. I knew about my great-grandfather who had died of a stroke while performing on-stage. And I could no longer ignore that for someone in their 20’s who was “living the dream”, I had excessively high blood pressure, testosterone and erectile dysfunction issues, and worse than that…


I had been trying to “feel better” with excessive amounts of caffeine to keep going, nightly wine & bourbon to cool down, 3-6 visits a day to PornHub to feel desired and just let go for a minute,, weekend food and alcohol binges with my wife just to try to reconnect, and endless spending that left me $70k in debt.

My wife met me at the door once a week after work in lingerie with dinner made. I’d eat and pass right the f*ck out. I remember when a sweet old man bought her flowers at the restaurant she hostessed, and me – following the anger-examples I received from my grandfather and step-dad – punched a hole in the wall.

Despite having it all, I was struggling – but no-one knew. My wife and I were more distant and disconnected than ever. I was wrecking our finances and my health. I was in no way it to serve as her husband. And I sure as hell wasn’t fit to serve the children we were about to bring in the world.

So, I said f*ck it, and I set out on a mission to Clean Up, Grow Up, and Show Up without the help of the medical industry that failed my grandfather, and the “rehabilitation” that had failed my step-dad. I burned the ships, and went all in.

I was always learning, and I had heard of the power of meditation, and this crazy Wim Hof breathwork and cold-therapy for anxiety, depression, and even blood pressure, so I decided to give it a try, and if it worked, to dedicate myself to it.


I was hooked, and I applied the same concepts of programming, periodization, sets, and reps from my years in the health and fitness industry to these new inner-strength practices. As I began to feel more calm and in control, a clarity came across that enabled me to see that the ladder I had been climbing in my life had been along the wrong wall the entire time, and that the personal reality I was living in was the result of the stories I believed from my upbringing, and the personality that I built around them.

So I made changes. I left that job and stepped way down the totem pole. And the funny thing? The very people I used to work for began to ask me for my help. They had seen my own transformation, confessed their own challenges to me, and started to do the work too. Co-workers began to ask if they could stand around me because it just felt “calming” to be in my presence. Unbeknownst to me, I was building HRV and emitting a coherent field from my heart and nervous system – it’s the thing that you pick up on when you meet someone the first time and you’re like “I like that guy.”

I read countless “self-help” books in the fields of stoicism, psychology, behavior-change, and new-age spirituality. They were all great but after reading them, the insights and advice just faded away and I was back living my same-old – albeit upgraded – life. It was all great. It was working, but I couldn’t put a finger on what about it was working. Although less crushing, the anxiety and fears were still there – and I was still playing it small in many areas of my life.

So, I went deeper. Meditation Teacher Training and Yoga Teacher Training at The Temple, Breathwork training, Heart-Math Stress & Anxiety training – it all started to make sense.  It was then that I understood the difference between knowledge and implementation, fancy ideas and actual replicable systems and frameworks. I began to understand how to implement these ancient practices to actually train patience, presence, empathy, connection, and resilience to stress – and began to develop my own framework by applying all my wisdom from years in the fitness industry to this inner strength, fitness, and flexibility.

I stumbled into Emotional Freedom Technique, an “energy psychology” practice for using the body to release stuck trauma, and it was like something broke loose – it’s kind of like when you free up your asleep arm in the middle of the night and all the life flows back in. It was like that. I finally had the missing piece to work on and release the stuck emotions, and more than that, to investigate, heal, and reprogram the traumas, programs, and patterns that I carried with my from my own childhood, and even the ones that came long before that. I had the missing piece to free me from the fear, the anxiety, and the reactivity, and all the stories about worthiness and the world  that weren’t even mine to begin with.


Fast-forward into height of COVID when my wife stood at the back fence, saying the words “I’m pregnant”, I was ready. Even as someone who never wanted kids because of all the old stories about parenthood and fatherhood:

  • Say goodbye to your radbod and hello to your dadbod

  • Your life will never be the same (with a touch of victimhood thrown in)

  • Your relationship with your wife will change…

  • Dad is worthless for the first 2 years

  • Not to mention all the deadbeat and dumb dads in TV sitcoms who are incapable of making themselves a sandwich

I looked all those stories in the eye and thought the same thing, f*ck that. Those stories may work for someone, but not for me. And I went all in on applying my practices and my framework to the journey of fatherhood.

And yeah, it can be challenging sometimes. We all have a plan to be great men, husbands, and dads. I’m not perfect either. The difference is that – in addition to my dedication to showing up as the man, husband, and father that my family deserves, I have practices

Like Mike Tyson said “we all have a plan until we get hit in the mouth.” The second part to that saying is that the sh*t hits the fan (or the food hits the floor) you’ll drop to the level of your training.

As men, husbands, and fathers, we need not just advice, but training in order to be the resilient, adaptable, loving and level, patient and present, connected, and UNCOMMON cycle-breaking and legacy-making men, husbands, and fathers that our families need and deserve.

And that’s why I created RISE.




Who do I work with?

RISE – The Uncommon Dads Accelerator is for men who have recognized that there are changes that need to be made in order for them to show up at 100% the as the man, husband, and father that they know they can be. It works best for men who: 

  • Are ready to break the recurring cycles and patterns of inconsistency, self-sabatoge, overreaction, escapism and distraction, low energy, and disconnection between self, wife, & kids.

  • Want to maximize their potential in their health, relationships, intimacy, of their own kids, in their work, and in their finances.

  • Desire to become pillars of patience, presence, empathy, connection, and loving levelness; achieving a level of fully integrated and powerful fatherhood that this world has never seen before.

    Register NOW

I am highly exclusive with the men that I take on, and I limit each cohort to just 10 men.




SHHHHH. Don’t tell anyone…

There are three secrets that other mens-work, dads-work programs, and dad-advice won’t give you:

  • Practice > Knowledge

    • Breathwork, Meditation, Emotional Mastery, Heart-Focused Communication paired with simple & timeless wisdom is far greater than all the self-help books in the world

    • Apply these tools in a structured training program proven to ingrain more relaxation, patience, presence, levelness, groundedness, empathy, and connection.

  • Root Cause Approach

    • Flexibility because tightness, rigidity, and stress in the body are reflected into the mind (think about how you react when you slept funny and can’t turn your neck vs. when you feel good)

    • Nutrition RESET – because eating the wrong foods increases inflammation and stress (most diets & coaches don’t take the time to figure out where your sensitivities are)

    • Stress Management Tools to stop the negative emotions, overreactions, and energy drain (applying proven practices in a way that shifts the set-point of your nervous system from stress to calm without having to remember to take a breath in the moment)

    • Limiting Beliefs the the poison in the root system that lay beneath all recurring programs and patterns of overreaction and self-sabotage, and most programs don’t know how to find them, and even less know how to actually heal them.

  • Scientifically Backed Techniques for making sense of your monkey mind, and releasing stuck emotions and trauma

    • Journaling practices fusing 5,000 yogic wisdom with mindfulness, and non-violent communication to get to the root of your challenges, charges, and sabotaging programs, to work through them, and to move forward with love and levelness once and for all.

    • Emotional Freedom Technique (backed by 100+ studies) for releasing stuck emotions and trauma even faster than talk-therapy.

    • Somatic & Mindfulness work informed by the work of Bessel Van Der Kolk (The Body Keeps the Score), Peter Levine (Waking The Tiger), and Heart-Math Institute to help you program safety into your nervous system and release the past – and the overreactive physical, mental and emotional tension that has resulted – once and for all.

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As soon as you enroll, we’ll set up a one-on-one call to dive deep into how you want to be remembered, where you’re at right now, and what you need to do to RISE to the level of cycle-breaking and legacy-making man, husband, and father that you aspire to be. We’ll develop a customized inner and outer Body-Mind-Soul training plan just for you and move you through the following steps.


This is where you are now. You’ve “woken up” to the fact that there are repeated reactions, behaviors, programs, patterns, and cycles that block you from showing up as the man, husband, and father that you know you can be.

We’ll begin working on these things together, but more importantly you’ll step into the fire of brotherhood and begin to make these changes alongside and supported by a cohort of men, husbands, and fathers who are prepared to put it all on the line with you. Alongside them, you’ll…


We’re going to do a deep-dive together and re-set some of the things in your life that could be secretly contributing to your stress bucket. This will involve things like taking a hard look at your diet, your strength & conditioning, your sleep, how you spend your “free time”, how you  organize and “balance” your schedule, as well as your relationship with “self-medications” like caffeine, alcohol, drugs, porn, social-media, games, TV & media, working-out, workaholism, and more.


You’ll begin to implement the ancient and science-backed practices that our warrior ancestors revered. Things like daily breathwork & meditation, hardcore flexibility and yoga, and deep presence and empathy practice. You’ll dive deep into your family history to uncover, heal, and release hidden-traumas that you’ve been unconsciously replaying. You’ll be initiated into integrated manhood & fatherhood through learning and living a 5,000 year-old code akin to the way of the samurai, the spartan and the knight. And you’ll learn and implement the tools and practices necessary to embody the Lover, Warrior, Wise-Man, King, and Father that your ancestors were tapped in to, that our modern society is sorely missing, and that your family so urgently needs from you.


You’ll walk into the world every day fully aligned with your purpose, your vision, and your mission in life as a cycle-breaking & legacy making pillar of patience, presence, and deep connection – a powerful version of manhood, husbandhood, and fatherhood the likes of which this world has never seen.

You won’t have to remember to take a breath, to drop into presence, to examine your emotions and reactions, or to try to see the real person (wife, child) in front of you instead of who you desire them to be and what you desire them to do. No, you’ll just do it. Because you’ve trained for this.

You’ll walk as a true samurai of fatherhood, with loving levelness, mindfulness, intentionality, and unshakability in the face of the most joyous moments, and more importantly, in the face of the most catastrophic ones.

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RISE is a 12-week deep-work transformation program that will empower you to be the man, husband, and father you’ve always wanted to be through deep daily practice.

Payment plans are available ranging from 1 to 12 months.


Ready to go all in and RISE to a level of manhood, husbandhood, and fatherhood that this world has never seen before? Want to talk about it?

Click the button below to register or to book a triage call with me. We’ll dive deep and sort out what’s working and not working in your life and set a clear path for getting you from where you are now to the level of an Uncommon Dad – a true samurai of fatherhood.

At the end of our call, 1 of 2 things will happen: You’ll either be a perfect fit for the work, and I’ll invite you into the brotherhood and the process of initiation into Uncommonhoo

...or it’s just not a good fit, and that’s okay too. There are no hard feelings, and no obligations on your part. When this happens, I will suggest something else you can do to achieve your objectives, and point you in the right direction.

Let’s burn the ships, and go all in.

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I’m a man, a husband, a father, and a transformational men’s coach. I empower men and dads to become Uncommon Men and Dads who are the embodiment of physical strength and vitality, mental resilience, emotional mastery, and show up as pillars of patience, presence, engagement, energy, and deep empathy and connection. The kind of men who break generational cycles and leave a new legacy for their wives, kids, and for generations to come.

The rising tide lifts all ships. So, RISE.

  • men and dads can live and show up at their fullest potential, day-in and day-out, no matter what life throws at them.

  • build the inner and outer strength, patience, presence, and power to be cycle-breaking and legacy-making leaders for themselves, their family, and the world.

  • who embody physical vitality, mental strength, and emotional mastery.

  • create a movement that transforms the lives of hundreds of fathers, families, and the planet as a whole.